domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2008

Review de um Naipe feito por Jerome na FFI

I got this deck from Rafael Malmegrin(Magaiver on here). It looked sick on the pictures already, and it is even more so in reality. The shape is perfect i.m.o., it has a nice width of 28mm, perfect kicks and concave.The craftmenship is top-notch, the graphic is beautiful and has a good amount of clearcoat, making it smooth and shiny. The sides are well sanded and the holes are drilled precisely.
I was waiting to set this deck up until I had my new wheels finished. It only took me a few minutes to get used to theis new setup. It's a pure pleasure to ride, you can really see that the owner of Naipe knows what he's doing.

Simply put: an amazing deck for an unbeatable price(15$ shipping included). I don't think that any other deck out there right now can compete with the price/quality relationship of these and personally, I'd even be willing to pay 20-24$ for one of them.

They will soon be available in a webshop that Rafael is working at.
Definetely get one, 100% recommended. Naipe is one of my top-picks for 2008.

Espero que intendam um pouco de inglês!